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Fir of China
No. 92-3 (1992.03.10)
Cathaya argyrophylla, Abies
beshanzuensis, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Taiwania flousiana
are all China's unique rare and precious plants which enjoy national
special protection. Cathaya argyrophylla and Abies
beshanzuensis belong to the Pinus Family, while Metasequoia glyptostroboides
and Taiwania flousiana to the Taxodium Family, though they are all arbor.
Taiwania flousiana has a height of 75 meters, distributed in some provinces
& regions in southern China. Cathaya argyrophylla is
called "living fossil of plants". Only several hundred
Abies beshanzuensis are available at
present. Some Taiwania flousiana aged over 1,000 can
still be found in western Yunnan Provence, but few mother trees of Taiwania
flousiana are available in its distributed areas. |